Vicky Maier
Social Work Intern | BarcelonaAs a social sciences student i found it hard to find internships in my field. Being an active person I really wanted something “out of the office” and Connect-123 has been able to offer me several options and I managed to do exactly what I wanted. During four months I interned in an Association helping people with AIDS in Barcelona where I had the opportunity to work alongside a team of devoted people eager to help those in need and also live in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. The organizers of the internship were extremely helpful by giving information about the city and tips, organizing meetings between interns and events! It was an amazing experience and I recommend it to anyone who is looking for an organized work/traveling experience!
More Reviews for Social Work Internships in Barcelona
Ella E
Social Work Intern | BarcelonaGap Year
5 May 2023
I have just left Barcelona after two months, and I already want to be back! I had the best experience exploring a city so unlike where I grew up and met introspective and wonderful people through my internship at a clinic for sick children, as well as through Connect-123. With like-minded new friends, I discovered amazing restaurants throughout the city, visited nearby places up the coast, went to a number...