Eric Wang
Health Care Intern | ShanghaiI interned with Connect-123 in Shanghai for two months this fall/winter. Traveling to such a foreign and exotic place (I’m from Kansas), I was both apprehensive and nervous. However, those feelings of uneasiness were quickly expunged as soon as I stepped off the plane and met my program coordinator. Shanghai is a unique city, and has so much culture to offer. Through the help of the staff at Connect-123, and my fellow interns, I was able to effectively explore and learn the many different things that this city has to offer. Whether I wanted to travel around China, try new foods, learn Chinese or find internship opportunities the staff at Connect-123 were willing to do everything in their power to make sure that I accomplished these goals. It was one of the best experiences of my life, and I definitely plan on going back!
Also, for the internship itself, I worked part time for a foundation that supports children’s health, and worked part time as an administrative assistant at a local hospital. It was exactly the type of job I was hoping for. I was SO impressed with how Connect-123 was able to find such a unique opportunity for me. They are truly experts in finding/ designing the perfect internship for people, especially in the medical field, as was the case for me.
More Reviews for Medical and Health Care Internships in Shanghai
Joshua Maclin
Neuroscience Medical Intern | ShanghaiEarlham College
12 January 2020
As part of the 2018 class from Earlham College, I interned in the Geriatric Ward of a Mental Health Center. I wrote a systematic review of four types of dementia: Frontotemporal lobe dementia, Vascular Dementia, Alzheimer's, and dementia with Lewy Bodies. In conjunction with research, I had observed how my supervisors and other doctors operated in the geriatric ward and edited some of my coworkers' work and presentations. In addition...
Alex Abelkis
Health Care Intern | ShanghaiEarlham College
2 October 2019
During my internship in Shanghai, I learned so much about who I am and what I value. I am currently a senior at Earlham College and hope to go into nursing after I graduate. I was welcomed by the hospital community with open arms and was lucky to learn about many facets of the Chinese medical system. Through my time in Shanghai, I remembered what it was like to feel...
Carleton College Student
Health Care Intern | ShanghaiCarleton College
26 September 2019
Interning abroad with Connect-123 was an incredible experience. During my 8 weeks in China, I was able to grow both personally and professionally. I made great connections with my co-workers at the hospital and other students on the Connect-123 program. Living and working abroad in a country so different from my own was a great way to get out of my comfort zone and explore a new city. The Connect-123...
Nahom Zwede
Heath Care Intern | ShanghaiEarlham College
28 August 2019
Being an intern in one of the most famous international hospitals in Shanghai, China has exposed me to various learning opportunities. As a first-year college student who is pursuing medicine as a career, I had a lot to learn about the field and explore a variety of departments within the field. Learning about how medicine is practiced in different cultures other than the United States is something that I truly...
Joy Onyeanu
Medical and Public Health Intern | ShanghaiCarleton College
13 July 2018
During the eight weeks I spent in China doing my medical internship in Shanghai, I formed amazing relationships with the doctors, staff, and other hospital interns, as well as with my fellow Connect-123 peers. Every day was like waking up to a new adventure! I’ve learned so much about myself while living and working abroad. I am grateful for the amazing opportunity I received to explore such a beautiful city and create...
Grace Nie
Health Care Intern | ShanghaiUniversity of Texas at Austin
30 June 2016
My internship at Shanghai was undoubtedly one of the most rewarding experiences I've had in my life. Firstly, a big thank you to Connect-123 for speedily setting everything up and allowing me to not have to worry about anything. At my request, Connect-123 arranged this internship for me within the short duration of 2 weeks. My internship was at an international private hospital in Shanghai. At first, I assumed this...
Dan Cao
Health Care Intern | ShanghaiHunter College
27 September 2015
Connect-123 gave me the opportunity to work in a Mandarin-speaking environment which was one of the most valuable experiences I have ever had in my life. Not only that, Connect-123 helped me to grow accustomed to the culture Shanghai as well as bring me closer together with other Connect-123 participants. Although I wished to spend more time in Shanghai, my 2 month-experience was well worth it. It was all thanks...
Margaret Wang
Health Care Intern | Shanghai15 July 2013
My time in Shanghai has been nothing short of marvelous! Everything has been beyond expectations. I've learned so much from the internship at the hospital, and the people there have been very good to me - always so patient, welcoming, and educating. I had feared that the doctors and nurses would find me a burden and be cold and distant at best, but they completely and constantly proved me wrong;...
Wayne Wu
Health Care Intern | ShanghaiNortheastern University
5 November 2012
In my time in Shanghai, I have met many people, learned many things and most importantly, had lots of fun. Shanghai has been very different and interesting for me, and has definitely changed my perspective of how I view the world. Working at my company has helped me learn many things that may be important for me in the future. Connect-123 has been very good to us as well and...
Tariq Rashid
Health Care Intern | ShanghaiUniversity of Southern California
8 August 2012
I interned in Beijing for 2 months during the summer. Traveling to China, which was completely different from anything I have ever known, was quite the quantum leap for me! I was nervous at first with my undertaking...I wasn't sure whether or not I had made the right decision. Once I met my program coordinator and got acclimated to the city, though, those feelings subsided and I learned more than...