Spencer Minnich

Public Health Intern | Cape Town
George Washington University
31 July 2017

As a Public Health intern at a community healthcare clinic in Cape Town, South Africa, I was able to grow tremendously as a student, a public health professional, and a person. It is all thanks to the Connect-123 program. As a MPH student, I knew I wanted to travel abroad to complete my practicum requirement, but I never imagined walking away from Cape Town wanting to work there full time. Not only was I able to work on multiple public health projects including increasing contraceptive services and Pap smear screenings, the clinic also trusted my opinion and insight on existing programs to make the clinic as efficient as possible. Throughout my journey, the Connect-123 staff was always right by my side and advocated for me every step of the way. I never once felt alone because I knew the Connect-123 team would make sure everything was going to work out. My advice to you, as a future Connector, is to go for it. Take the chance and see the world because we grow the most when we step outside our comfort zone. Thank you Connect-123 for the once in a lifetime opportunity and I hope I will be integrated into South Africa’s health system one day as a full fledged staff member!

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Samantha Warwar

Public Health Intern | Cape Town
Ohio State University
21 February 2017

Sitting down to write one paragraph about my experience in Cape town is one of the hardest things I've had to do. There are not enough words and definitely not enough space to capture everything I want to tell you about this trip. So I'll try my best to keep it concise (and not to cry) as I recall all of the amazing things about this internship. The summer after...

Yana Martysevich

Public Health Intern | Cape Town
CUNY - Center on Philanthropy & Civil Society
19 February 2017

I've had a wonderful stay in Cape Town, South Africa. It is an amazing city! Connect-123 went above and beyond to get me this internship and without exaggerating, it has been one of the best experiences in my life! My program coordinator is absolutely wonderful and she will tell you everything you need to know about Cape town! If you're looking for a great way to live abroad, gain unmatched...
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