Lona Sniderman
Public Policy Intern | BarcelonaWhen I first decided that I wanted to travel this summer, I had no idea where to start. The only solid detail that I had worked out was that I wanted to go somewhere Spanish-speaking and have the opportunity to gain international work experience while improving my language skills. Connect-123 let me bring my vision into focus, connecting me with an internship at a research institution in Barcelona that would last eight weeks over the summer. My first week in Barcelona was a wonderful sneak-peak into what the rest of my summer would look like… I was met with an ideal, centrally-located living situation, an inclusive and supportive work environment, a group of U.S. college students with mindsets similar to my own and a romantic city with endless opportunity for exploration. My Monday-Friday work schedule provided structure to my weeks that allowed me to stay productive and on-task in a city with truly numerous distractions. After work and on weekends, the city’s bountiful restaurants, museums, cultural exhibitions, concerts, beaches and other events made it near impossible to feel bored or alone. Connect-123 allowed me to go above and beyond my initial goal by immersing me into a summer of firsts… my first music festival, my first time in Paris (weekend trips, anyone?), my first time making homemade Paella, my first time living alone in a new place, and so many more. As my time in Barcelona comes to an end, I am excited to return home as a braver and more independent person who has made personal and professional connections that will last a lifetime.
More Reviews for Public Policy Internships in Barcelona
Daniel Cooke
Public Policy | BarcelonaMichigan State University
28 September 2014
Before I even knew which college I wanted to attend, I had already made up my mind about one important aspect of my collegiate career: I wanted to study abroad. I had been blessed with many international trips prior to my summer in Barcelona, but there is truly a difference between visiting a city and living in a city, intensively experiencing a new culture, stepping way out of your comfort...
Mark Lainoff
Public Policy Intern | BarcelonaRhodes College
22 July 2014
Fifty years from now, when you are (hopefully) peacefully retired in the place of your dreams, reflecting on your past experiences, your education, your work, your family, the friends you have made and the friends you have lost, the places you have visited and the places you will never see, what do you think will come to mind? In my mind, I will picture Barcelona, Catalunya, Spain in the summer...