Amelia J
Human Rights Intern | DublinI really enjoyed this experience overall. The Connect-123 program was really helpful and quite organized throughout the whole experience. The day trips we did were good to learn more about the culture we were entering. The people who were in charge of it all were also helpful and always available to us to reach out if anything was going wrong.
In terms of my internship, I cannot give them enough praise. Not only was I completely involved in everything at the organization, they cared about my performance and were wanting to teach me as much as possible. I really enjoyed my coworkers and overall I loved the type of work I did there.
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Amaya A
Human Rights Intern | DublinMichigan State University
14 August 2024
Thanks to Connect-123 and Michigan State University, I have had a fantastic experience living in Dublin. While living in Ireland, I had the pleasure of working as a research and policy intern with an incredible NGO. I felt immersed culturally, deepening my understanding of policy, international relations, community organizing, and development. Planned weekend trips and my own journeys allowed me to see the beauty that the world (and Ireland) offers...
Ivanna Olvera
Human Rights Intern | DublinUniversidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla
13 June 2019
As an International Relations student, I was looking for the best option for an internship abroad. I’m interested in global issues such as international law, nationality, migration and human rights. Thanks to Connect-123, I secured a placement in a non-profit organization that assists immigrants and refugees with naturalization in Dublin, Ireland. This experience is by far one of the best I’ve had as it helped me grow professionally and personally....
Anne Willems of Brilman
Human Rights intern | DublinUniversity College Roosevelt
24 June 2018
After I got my legal bachelor’s degree I decided I wanted to take some time off to get some practical experience in the field before continuing to get my master’s degree. I chose Connect-123 because of its connections abroad, specifically in the field of human rights. Thanks to Lea Levy and Nikki Madden (Dublin Programme Coordinator) I spent six months working for a human rights organization in Dublin. Coming to Dublin,...
Becky Franklin
Human Rights Intern | DublinUniversity of Leeds
2 August 2017
During my time in Dublin, I interned at a non-profit organisation, which aided migrant and refugee families in gaining their Irish citizenship. I really enjoyed my time at the company and felt it has greatly benefitted me for my future career. It taught me a lot of skills that are invaluable and really gave me the confidence that I was lacking. If you are looking for a historic and vibrant...
Eli Quirk
Human Rights Intern | DublinCape Breton University
1 August 2017
Dublin was a learning opportunity for me in so many ways. Before moving to Ireland for a few months to intern at a non-profit organization working with homelessness, I had only lived in my small-town community. I went from knowing everyone on my street and saying hello to all my friends, family and neighbours in the grocery store to not even knowing one person on that side of the Atlantic. To...
Michaela Bromm
Human Rights Intern | DublinSUNY at Oneonta
20 July 2017
Interning in Dublin was one of the greatest decisions I have ever made. I had the opportunity to live in a different city and work for a great non-profit organization! I made so many friends through the Connect-123 program, which was fantastic. I always had someone to go on adventures with me around Ireland and Europe. The Connect-123 staff was incredibly thoughtful and helpful. The staff always answered my many...
Vivian Asonye
Human Rights Intern | DublinUniversity of Texas, Dallas
5 August 2014
I was given the opportunity to intern in Dublin this summer, and I can honestly say it was the experience of a lifetime. Everything about living in Dublin was refreshing and exciting, and I wouldn’t trade this experience for the world. Not only did I stay in a safe, if not a tad bit distant area from the city centre of Dublin, but my accommodations were also extremely clean and...
Martina Peter
Human Rights Intern | DublinUniversity of Bern, Switzerland
22 August 2013
During six amazing months I was an intern in an Irish NGO based in Dublin. My work consisted of helping migrants with their application for citizenship. I had not expected connect-123 to find such a great match for myself – but they did it. Even though I did not have a clear idea of what exactly I wanted to do (it just had to be in the social sector and...