Real stories from real participants, parents and university partners who share their experiences as well as their advice. Learn more about the benefits Connect-123 interns and volunteers receive on our programs around the world!
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Danielle Surprenant
When people ask me now, “How was South Africa?” I try and switch it up (at least for my own amusement) each time. There are so many words to describe my experience. “Incredible”, “amazing”, “absolutely wonderful”, “life changing”, “truly a learning experience”, “interesting” and the list goes on. But one reaction that is consistent in every conversation and recollection of my experience is a ridiculous grin on my face. Besides being all of the things I described, at the Red Cross Children’s Hospital I found happiness in working with amazing people both foreign and native; in applying my skills where they were essential and beneficial; in learning about cultures I knew very little about; in being welcomed to, immersed in, and a part of those cultures, in working with the most adorable and remarkable children, and most importantly, in being a child life specialist. I volunteered with Connect-123 to bring something to Cape Town; to give my skills and my resources to those who would benefit from them. In return, Cape Town gave me so much more than pictures, t-shirts and wooden souvenirs. It’s more than I could ever put into words and something that will remain a part of me forever. After serving with Connect-123, I am not only proud of what I have accomplished, but I am proud of who I have become. If you’re reading this and trying to decide if volunteering is right for you, it would be unfair for me to say yes or no. What I can say is that, for me, the hesitation came only in what I would be sacrificing. I had to give up all that was familiar to me to go to a foreign country. I traveled to Cape Town knowing that it was the path for me; that everything would fall into place. Now I know that what I gave up was insignificant compared to what Cape Town and The Red Cross Children’s Hospital gave me in return. It is not tangible, but within me. I share it in my interactions in both social and professional arenas. It comes through in my smile.
Alex Han
I started out feeling anxious and unsure about my trip to Cape Town. On the one hand, I was excited to see Cape Town and experience a new place with new people; on the other hand, I was nervous about how I would get around and how I would take care of myself so far away from home. However, I soon found out how helpful Connect-123 was, and I discovered that Cape Town is a vibrant city with great people. I was able to do many things that I wouldn’t be able to do anywhere else as easily such as shark cage diving, monkey forests, elephant sanctuaries, and even zip line tours through beautiful forests. I also met many friends that I know I will stay in touch with for years to come. Not only was this trip fun and exciting, but I also learned a great deal from my internship. Learning in the field is very different from learning in a classroom: having real-life experience is invaluable as you really learn what skills are important. I was given a lot of responsibility over the accounts of the company and their books. I learned how balancing accounts and compiling income statements actually took place in the real world, and I learned many skills that will help me in the future. Connect-123 really helped me to find an internship that was suitable to my future goals. All-in-all, my time in Cape Town will be one of the most memorable experiences of my life.
Internships in Cape TownHugh Moore
The Social Entrepreneurship program with Connect-123 was nothing of what I expected to say the least. The first thing I learned is that you can’t guess what the experience is going to be like until you get out there and do it. Learning business in the class room is one thing, but getting into the real world and facing real challenges is another. Through the program’s real life experiences coupled with the classroom training, I feel much more prepared to enter the business world for myself than ever before. The guidance I received along the way gave me the confidence to take on business ventures without fearing being left out in the dark. If you have any interest in going into the business world, I would definitely recommend spending a semester in Cape Town to prepare yourself to face the challenges the world has to throw at you.
Internships in Cape TownJane Sanders
I’d had it in my head since first visiting Africa in 2007 that I wanted to make it back before too long. I had no idea that I’d be able to be back in Cape Town just three years later. I had a lot of expectations for my trip. I wanted to feel connected to the city. I wanted to meet people from all over. I wanted to feel like the work I was doing was worthwhile. Most importantly, I wanted to feel like I was challenging myself and also “making a difference.” Having arrived safely back in the States, I can say that I did all of these things. My internship was organized by Mel and I began June 3rd working at a Secretariat representing those with disabilities. I struggled somewhat with selecting an internship, as most of the volunteer work I’ve done in the past has been charity-oriented. As much as I love the hands-on, one-on-one contact with the disadvantaged, I wanted this summer to be a more development-oriented experience. I worked with two other interns on a couple of different projects. The Secretariat was interested in re-branding the organization, making it more appealing to policy makers and government officials. We also worked in the communications sector of the organization, improving the website and publications. My favorite projects involved working with my boss, Thomas, on developing information on “Ambassadorial Countries.” Thomas travelled a lot to visit countries that could serve as models for other African nations to create, implement, and enforce policy that would best serve the disabled peoples of the country. I loved getting to see his first-hand interactions with the government officials and his intense interest in developing the policies of the developing African continent. Connect-123 was supportive and involved from Day One. I enjoyed being in touch with Mel, and it was nice to have someone constantly on my side during the experience. The office was also very helpful in planning extracurricular activities and fun excursions for my friends and I. On behalf of both my sister (who worked with Connect-123 in 2007) and I, I’d highly recommend Connect-123 to anyone looking for a different type of internship experience in an unbeatable location. Cape Town will not disappoint you!
Internships in Cape TownJohn Nelson
I had an absolutely great experience during my three months in Cape Town and with Connect-123. I worked for a local microlending institution, supporting their operations. My work revolved around improving and establishing their loan application and collections processes. The work experience was great: I learned a lot about an MFI’s workings as I delved into the operations specifics; I was given a lot of responsibility and ownership with my projects; and I was exposed to a fun and vibrant work culture. I’m grateful that Connect was able to provide me with such a great volunteering experience. What initially drew me to Cape Town were the pictures of Table Mountain and its stunning scenery. At the risk of sounding cliche, the city was even better than I imagined. Cape Town offered plenty of extra-curricular activities to complement my volunteer work: hiking up and rapelling (abseiling) down Table Mountain, volleyball and surfing at the beach, wine tours and festivals in the surrounding wine farms, shark cage diving, botanical gardens, nearby safari tours, and the Garden Route (which includes bungee jumping, sky diving, and…ostrich racing). Cape Town was affordable, the locals very hospitable and friendly, and, contary to popular belief, the city was not unsafe. As with any big city, you just need to be vigilant. Connect-123 did a great job making sure we were getting the most of our stay: they had bi-weekly networking events, they set up hiking and wine tours, and notified us of any local events. I made many lifelong friendships during my stay in Cape Town and it’s an experience I’ll never forgot; I have Connect-123 to thank for this. I hope I’m able to return one day for vacation, or if possible, a long-term work assignment!
Internships in Cape TownCara Magarian
For as long as I can remember I’ve always wanted to become a physician. Throughout my years in college I dedicated a huge amount of time to volunteering at different health facilities and this was very rewarding for me. I’ve spent years preparing for medical school and before heading on this long journey, I wanted to make good use of my time and venture off to Cape Town, South Africa. I fell in love with this wonderful city, mostly because there was so much to offer and since I am a thrill-seeker, I was able to engage in many intriguing activities. For my internship, I was given the opportunity to observe live surgeries and take part in many different research projects at a pediatric hospital. Each and every morning I would wake up, I couldn’t wait to begin my day at the hospital. The people who I worked with were very helpful and I formed excellent, everlasting relationships with them. Now, as I begin my journey as a medical student, I will always look back on my experience in South Africa and maybe even decide to be a surgeon! I definitely recommend anyone who’s interested in a health care internship to take the first step and be a participant of the Connect-123 program. Thank you to the wonderful staff at Connect-123 for providing me with this exceptional experience!
Internships in Cape TownDavid Hakan Bjornhage
Currently in Geneva, Switzerland and contemplating and gathering my thoughts concerning my stay in South Africa and my work at the refugee centre. Almost 6 months have passed since my arrival in Cape Town in February 2010 and it is a bit hard to believe that time can have passed by so quickly. When I now look back to what I’ve learned and experienced there are a few things I would like to highlight. First of all, I am pleased that I chose Cape Town as the destination of my internship. The primary reason for this is the combination on the one side of its truly amazing natural surroundings and leisure activities which comprise an excellent tourist destination (the wineries of Stellenbosch and hiking excursions up table mountain being some of my favorite activities!), and on the other hand its pressing and difficult social and economic issues which affect so many people’s lives; South Africans and foreigners alike. The myriad of these issues and the pot-pourri of Cape Town in terms of cultural diversity have made the city a very interesting place of study and I believe that the refugee centre was a very suitable place of departure for such a study. The refugee centre gave me the opportunity to become engaged in different aspects of its organization with the result of not only providing me with an understanding of the organization itself (the important role that NGOs play in filling social gaps in society), but also of the many difficulties facing asylum-seekers and refugees. Challenges and difficulties that these people perceived on a daily basis could consist of discrimination and xenophobia; issues which infiltrated their workplace, their residential areas, or social networks. My main work with the Employment Help Desk (EHD), but also through teaching, specific projects and research, gave me valuable insights into these challenges. The interaction with the clients provoked a great deal of interesting discussion and thought and it has also provided me with new problem-solving tools in dealing with people. But the refugee centre has more importantly left me with exceptional memories of strong and skilled individuals struggling to create new lives for themselves in a new country and in the face of adversity. And this is inspirational. Well, I would just like to end by conveying a big thanks to everyone once again for my time there.
Internships in Cape TownCaroline Stone
Everyday I wake up and miss Cape Town. I miss the adventures I had and the people I met. I loved the last few weeks I had travelling throughout Africa. I was with Overlanding Africa on my trip through Tanzania and Kenya – everything about it was breathtaking. I now understand what people mean when they say that once you leave Africa a part of you will always feel as though it was home. My pictures are priceless and looking at them brings mixed emotions, a longing for a place that changed me, mixed with joy and awe that I was ever there. Everyone at Connect-123 did an amazing job making me feel welcome, comfortable, and most importantly home when I was so far away from everything I know. I can never thank you enough, Africa was everything I’d hoped it would be and more and nothing can compare. As for the internship, I felt a huge sense of accomplishment when I helped the ladies of the refugee organisation put together their volunteer workshop which helped bring together everyone who wanted to be a part of the project and gave them the information they needed to get involved. Gayle and Gahlia welcomed me into the organisation in a way I never could have imagined – I felt needed and significant, I wasn’t just an intern, I was a member of their team and a person who was given the chance to make a difference. The people who are part of the refugee project are inspirational beyond words, they are dedicated and hard working and some of the most caring people I’ve ever met. They inspired me to do and be more, and I can only hope that came through in the work that I did while there. Working closely with refugees made me nervous at first, I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to be a reliable source of aid, but arriving there put my nerves at ease, every day is a gift there. Every person I met had a strength and hope that encouraged me to do as much as I could to make a difference for them. The boys at the refugee house are so loved, and working there gave me the chance to foster that love and care, work to make their lives better, and hopefully create chances and opportunity for anyone else that came there for help. My trip has made it clear to me that I want to go back to graduate school and study international relations or political science and hopefully follow that with a law degree focusing on International and/or Human Rights law.
Internships in Cape TownCamilla Johnson
My experience in Cape Town surpassed anything I had imagined beforehand. I was more than pleased with my internship at an HIV/AIDS organization–I was able to gain experience in various parts of the non-profit, working both in the central office as well as in the townships surrounding the city. I formed lasting relationships with co-workers and locals that furthered my understanding and love of South Africa. I really feel that I would never have been able to make an experience like this happen without the facilitation and help of Connect-123. Connect-123 offered the right amount of support while giving program participants personal space and independence to really experience life abroad. Cape Town itself is a unique and special place that I encourage everyone to visit – make the most of your time abroad in every way possible and you’ll undoubtedly have an eye-opening and formative life experience.
Persis Eskander
Before I left for my internship a lot of people were shocked to hear that I was planning on spending three months in Cape Town. They had heard and believed only the negative information that reached them. I know I won’t be the first to proudly dispel your fears (if you have any). South Africa is a beautiful country, full of culture, adventure, and excitement. Cape Town is without a doubt stunning. I don’t recall ever feeling quite as happy as I did waking up to look out at Table Mountain and the striking city below. But if mountains aren’t your thing, Cape Town is rich in beaches, bars and clubs, restaurants, and of course shops! I interned with a non-governmental human rights organization that specialized in economic and social rights for women and children, and all I can really say is that three months were not long enough. The ladies that run the office are fantastic, great minds and even greater hearts. Working at the regional office meant there was a lot of work to offload and from day 1 I was given responsibilities and tasks, so that I never felt like I was wasting time. Although it takes many years to be able to reap the rewards of your work in human rights, I was truly made to feel that I had contributed greatly. Working there strengthened my desire to pursue a career in human rights, and the ladies I worked with won’t be forgotten easily! Of course, what would a testimonial be, without a huge word of thanks to Connect-123 for organizing and facilitating the whole internship. They were at hand, providing assistance as soon as I expressed an interest in taking an internship, and their fastidious support was immensely relieving. They had an answer to every question and a solution to any problem. They were also fantastic in organizing weekly events, whether they were drinks at a cozy bar, or a great day out to see the sights on the weekends. Connect-123 gave me the opportunity to experience what will assuredly be one of the best summers of my life.
Internships in Cape TownKelsey Stewart
On my study abroad in Cape Town I had an internship with a branch of an international conservation organization. They dealt with fishery trade issues, I spent most of my time researching and gathering information about these issues and the possible resolutions for these problems. I learned so much about the environmental policy field that I would have never gotten in a classroom. I was able to see the day to day work and what it takes to get studies and new policy made. It was an invaluable experience made better by the fact that I was surrounded by the beauty and unique culture of South Africa. Connect-123 provided everything that I needed to have a rewarding and safe experience in Cape Town. I injured myself in an accident unrelated to my internship and the ladies of Connect-123 were so helpful and kind to me, they helped me figure out all the paperwork and bills and were with me every step of the way, I really can’t thank them enough. Overall it was a once in a lifetime experience in a beautiful and interesting place.
Internships in Cape TownDami Coker
I will always look back at the time I spent in Cape Town as one of the most eye-opening and exciting experiences I have had to date. I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect at first but my internship in introduced me to a sector and concepts I’m not sure I would have been exposed to anywhere else. Over the course of three months I worked with an organisation that mentored and incubated social enterprises. In short, I worked with budding entrepreneurs who ran businesses with the aim of making profit but also having a positive social impact. From day one, I hit the ground running and was tasked with deliverables on a number of projects. One day I would help an entrepreneur write a business plan, another I would be developing a curriculum on social entrepreneurship and the day after I would be teaching modules that I helped write. I have a background in finance but I often found myself needing to be flexible and prepared to work on whatever projects needed the attention at the time, and I often had a major say in what direction we took certain projects. Sometimes it was overwhelming, but being out of my comfort zone and experiencing something new is what made the entire experience all the more worthwhile. My eyes were opened to a new way of tackling poverty reduction and social enterprise is a field I will be interested in and hopefully be involved in for a long time. Eimear was patient and thorough in helping me find the right internship and I can’t thank her enough for that. Aside from organising the internship, Connect-123 helped with a number of things making it easy for me to enjoy everything that Cape Town had to offer. Getting to know fellow interns and volunteers was probably the highlight of my stay – in my few months in South Africa I made a number of friends and built a network of like-minded people who I am sure I will cross paths with in the future, both professionally and socially. I am sure I will look back on this experience with not only a sense of achievement, but with memories of all the great people I met and had a chance to work with.
Internships in Cape TownEsther Irving
My time in South Africa was inspiring as I worked government bodies, an advocacy NGO as well as helped run a workshop in an informal settlement while I was there. Despite my short period with Connect-123, they were extremely helpful in all matters and helped make my experience in Cape Town as fulfilling and rewarding as possible. The city is beautiful, the people welcoming and warm and there is so much to do! My favourite part of my time in South Africa was the warmth with which the people welcomed me and the multitude of jazz clubs and quirky little restaurants speckled around the city. It is a wonderful place to do an internship and I would highly recommend it.
Internships in Cape TownChris Androski
My experience in South Africa was truly amazing. The country was beautiful and my internship was awesome. I actually had an internship where I felt that I was truly making a difference. The people at Connect-123 were extremely helpful and made sure we were comfortable with both our living accommodations and volunteer experience. The best part about the entire trip was the people I met, both native South Africans and other volunteers. They made the experience all that it was. I cant wait to get back to SA.
Internships in Cape TownJosh Kohler
Working in South Africa through Connect-123 was a lot like studying abroad in the soul of a country that has been forgotten by the rest of the world. The tempo of society slowed down a little bit but the catchiness of the beat remained the same. The ease of traveling through the country and meeting people is similar to how easy it is visiting different stores in a shopping mall. South Africa is a place to go to listen, absorb, then reciprocate for the good of society. Unmatched in beauty, South Africa is absolutely wonderful. I worked for a non-profit organization that uses sport as a vehicle for youth leadership. I implemented an SMS based feedback program that allows participants of the program to report immediately to the organization. It saves time, paper, and allows for instant feedback which is priceless nowadays. When I wasn’t working on that though, there were children running around playing soccer or basketball and I was always welcome to shoot or kick around with kids who were taking a break from the everyday hardships of their lives. I couldn’t have asked for anything more.
Internships in Cape TownMichelle Eichhorst
The three months I spent in Cape Town were some of the most rewarding of my life! I interned with a child accident prevention organization. There, I was able to research children’s safety and help conduct community workshops. Not only did this internship fulfill my university requirements, but it gave me valuable real-life experience. My co-workers were welcoming and eager to share all that South Africa had to offer. I also really enjoyed living with other interns from around the world. There was never a dull moment with all that there was to do in Cape Town! I was ready for an adventure, which is precisely what I got. The Connect-123 staff were helpful and guided me throughout my time there, ensuring a positive experience. I find that I am eager to share my time with others and enjoy reminiscing with those who were there. I recommend interning in Cape Town for anyone who is outgoing, wants to gain valuable work experience, and is eager to meet wonderful new people. I know I will not soon forget my time in South Africa!
Internships in Cape TownVictor Torres
Connect-123 is the perfect organization for someone considering an internship or volunteer experience in Buenos Aires. They provide all the necessary support you’ll need, without being overly rigid or inflexible. They allow you to choose what you want out of the experience, and do everything they can to find exactly what you are looking for. With Connect-123 not only do you get an opportunity for an internship that is tailored specifically for you, but you receive other benefits such as local contacts, the opportunity to meet like-minded, yet very different participants, and the comfort of having local support so you never feel like you’re on your own. In my opinion, doing an internship in Buenos Aires is really the best way to not only learn Spanish, but to actually immerse yourself in a new culture, and get a chance to learn why the people and place are the way they are, something that the typical tourist would never have an opportunity to do. The organization I work with has been very welcoming and they’ve done a great job of helping me overcome my second language deficiencies. I’ve seen a substantial improvement since I started in just a matter of weeks. Living the porteño (the name for citizens of Buenos Aires) life style, has broadened my horizons and has been one of the best experiences in my life!
Internships in Buenos AiresMischelle Nelson
The time I spent in Cape Town was invaluable. Connect-123 offered the perfect amount of structure, from going on excursions to planning group social events. But at the same time I had the opportunity to explore the city for myself. I worked at an HIV mobile clinic that services greater Cape Town. It was an amazing experience that allowed me to interact with people from all walks of life; from residents in informal settlements to medical students at UCT. Learning more about HIV testing and counseling has aided in my understanding of South African HIV policy and will help me with the work I will do in the US. I encourage anyone that has the slightest interest in this program to check it out. I fell in love with the city and will definitely be returning soon.
Internships in Cape TownTherese B
This is coming from a person that, honestly, A) did not know what to expect, B) could not find work in a ‘troubling’ economy and C) graduated with a specialized degree. I am also not much of a traveler (except for the awesome times I’ve had in the Philippines). But an opportunity like this was definitely something not to miss. When Melanie approached me with the first opportunity, I was already in doubt. The reason was that the work description was based on heavy programming. Programming has NEVER EVER been a strength of mine. It has something I’ve always avoided in school and took the easy way out, but it occurred to me that this was probably a sign that I NEED to redeem myself and conquer this challenge. And now I am SO VERY THANKFUL that I chose to accept the internship at the astronomical observatory. I never thought that I could be doing work with a research facility and have such a great mentor. He was always willing to share information, communicate, and teach me so many things about his field of work (even stupid questions!). I was VERY excited to be able to have the chance to work with such a great team. My mentor and his field of work has really opened up my eyes and shown me what great opportunities were waiting for me back home. What is ironic was that although my ‘American’ and ‘engineering’ education seems like the ‘wow factor’, there, I honestly was just looking for guidance and acceptance in an intense field of such great minds. That is exactly what Connect-123 and the research facility has done for me. I think its safe to say that my mentor understood my feelings in the beginning and he was able to witness my transformation, where I really felt a part of the team, working on a great piece of astronomical telescope technology almost everyday. My stay was intended to be only 3 months, which then got extended to 6 months, and then according to my passport, I had been in the country of South Africa for almost a year. I couldn’t believe how more excited I was about the project and the more things I was learning along the way. I’ve even started something that I never thought I could physically do in my life. I started boxing at a local gym (which I miss VERY much) and not only has boxing been great for my health (mental and physical), but I got to meet more diverse locals; as well as others from neighbouring African nations. I was even asked to fight at their local fight night (which I now regret not doing while I was there!). I was also invited (which I gladly accepted) to attend boxing matches in the townships, which felt like a whole new beautiful cultural experience! In addition, Connect-123 really makes an effort to make sure that your stay in Cape Town is a positive experience. I felt so embarrassed to constantly bother them with a gazillion (yes, an engineering number!) questions about certain things, yet they were patient with me and consistently came back to me with information that guided me through my stay. Meeting others that came to South Africa under Connect-123′s program was also a blessing. I met many good people from all types of backgrounds and they have also become an inspiration to me along my journey. I cannot forget them and look forward to continuing to stay in contact with them for the long term. Once again, thanks for everything.
Internships in Cape TownCarolyn Robertson
I am an International Development Studies student from Winnipeg, MB (Canada). I had been to South Africa in 2004, and dreamt of returning ever since. For my practicum, I decided to return to Cape Town. I did a lot of research and came across Connect-123 who offered to find me a placement. I was interested in putting into practice some of what I’ve learned in school regarding Monitoring & Evaluation, especially with small scale community projects. Connect-123 set me up with an organization dedicated to supporting urban agriculture in the townships of Nyanga and Khayelitsha. On my first day I was taken on a tour of one of the community garden projects. I was overwhelmed with the obstacles this organization faced and overcame in bringing small scale agriculture back to South Africa. It is incredibly encouraging to see Cape Town’s urban poor growing fresh vegetables year round to feed their families. The dedication of the staff, and the resilience of the gardeners continues to inspire and make me aware of the various social benefits stemming from such projects which focus on community building. Working in the heart of Nyanga also gave me the opportunity to learn a bit of Xhosa, as well as be exposed to what life is like for South Africa’s urban poor, and the challenges they face daily. Three months was not nearly enough time to soak in all the information I was attempting to process. It is an experience that has renewed my passion for this beautiful country, and has me wanting to come back for more. Thank you, Connect-123, for the wonderful job in finding me such a perfect place to learn and put my skills into practice!
Internships in Cape Town