Alison Wall
Healthcare intern | DublinI cannot recommend Connect-123 enough! I was excited to learn more about my family history in Ireland, as well as gain new professional skills through this internship. I was nervous to spend three months in a foreign country, but Nikki – the Connect-123 program coordinator in Dublin – made me feel so welcome and was a wealth of information on fun things to do both in and out of the city. She also made sure that all the interns in Dublin felt connected and set up activities for us every week! I had an amazing experience, learned new things, and made friends from all over the world. I’m so happy I chose Connect-123 to help me through my internship abroad.
More Reviews for Medical and Health Care Internships in Dublin
Helene J
Medical Intern | DublinLeipzig University
12 October 2023
I had a fantastic experience at a Medical Centre in Dublin. As a third-year medical student, my internship helped me a lot in figuring out what specialty I might want to pursue after graduation and in which direction I want to develop my career. I was really lucky to have such friendly and helpful colleagues. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to live and work abroad. Dublin...
Madeline Brent
Medical Research Intern | DublinDrexel University
27 June 2019
My internship in Dublin was wonderful. I worked at Trinity University in a biobank archiving and processing samples. The work environment was a very easy transition. Everyone was welcoming and genuinely wanted to get to know me. I learned so many skills from my job that I am able to take back with me and apply to new jobs in the future. Something amazing about interning abroad is also meeting...
Yi Liang Jiang
Pharmacology Intern | DublinBristol University
4 August 2018
I completed my pharmacology internship at a hospital in Dublin. I worked in an immunology lab, where I learned how to operate centrifuge, Phadia 250 and QuantaLyser. The colleagues and chief scientist were welcoming and patient. Thanks to my summer internship, I gained knowledge of many crucial laboratory skills such as preparing coverslips and writing audits. Connect-123 not only made sure that we worked in a safe and professional environment...
Nina Samarelli
Healthcare intern | DublinJames Madison University
17 July 2018
Connect-123 found the perfect medical internship for me in Dublin! In the hopes of becoming a Physician Assistant, shadowing various doctors and nurses around two children’s hospitals has been an incredible experience, one that is difficult to find in the US. I have had the opportunity to observe what it is really like in a children’s hospital and how things operate. Each healthcare professional I have met has been more...
Haven Wang
Medical Research Intern | DublinUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst
11 July 2018
My medical internship in Dublin was absolutely amazing! I got the opportunity to work at a Dublin-based medical research center, where I helped develop a topical treatment for RDEB, a rare skin disease. RDEB is a genetic skin blistering condition caused by a lack of collagen protein in the skin. Since I'd just finished my freshman year of college, I came into my medical research internship with very little lab...
Rae Filley
Medical and Healthcare intern | DublinNortheastern University
1 June 2018
Connect 123 gave me the opportunity to try something that I didn’t think I would be able to do while still in college. As a nursing major, I only see the clinical side of healthcare, where Connect gave me the opportunity I had wanted to try research. I learned so much and met some amazing people at the research lab where I worked, and have been able to apply the...
Ellie Shoji
Medical and Health Care Internship | DublinUniversity of Toronto
28 February 2018
Reflecting on the five-and-a-half months in Ireland I spent interning with Connect-123 as a research assistant at a University, I have to say that it was the best decision I have made for myself, ever. I applied for an internship with Connect-123 after deciding to pursue medicine and research. All I knew when I began my internship was what my research project entailed and the expectations the university had for...
Maria Cacciapuoti
Medical Intern | DublinUniversity of Virginia
1 November 2017
After graduating college a semester early, I knew I wanted to find an internship experience abroad, but didn’t know where to start. But after finding out about Connect-123, everything fell perfectly into place! Connect-123 was able to place me in an Immunology Lab in the Pathology Department within one of the largest hospital systems in Ireland, and I absolutely loved my experience there. My coworkers were so friendly and welcoming,...
Alina Bosa
Cancer Research Intern | DublinThe University of British Columbia, Canada
7 October 2017
My summer internship in Dublin with Connect-123 was one of the most rewarding experiences I have encountered. I had the opportunity to work hands on at a hospital aiding in the research of gynaecological cancers. The staff of Connect-123 welcomed me as soon as I arrived and ensured that my experience in Dublin was one to remember by hosting numerous actives and different adventures throughout the summer, as well as...
Maggie Schmitt
Play Therapy Intern | DublinMount Holyoke College
3 October 2017
I recently spent six weeks in Dublin, Ireland working in an amazing internship that Connect-123 set up for me. Not only did they help me get the internship and all travel/living arrangements in order, but they have an AWESOME coordinator in Dublin who is there to help. Through Connect-123 I was able to have cool new experiences and meet people from all over the world. I can't think of a...
Mahanna Elsheik
Public Health Intern | DublinUniversity of Debrecen, Hungary
25 September 2017
I interned for 7 weeks working in the research department of an organization that focuses on suicide and self-harm prevention. Seven weeks felt like 7 days. I had a wonderful time and it was an extremely fruitful experience; I learned so much! Everyone working there was so kind, friendly, and funny and made me feel very welcomed. My last day was a lot more emotional than I ever thought it...
Rachel Meade
Medical Research Intern | DublinUniversity of Texas at Dallas
20 August 2017
Connect-123 was an incredible summer program. Not only did they arrange a research internship with a top university in Dublin, but they also provided fun opportunities to experience Ireland while socializing with other members of the program! My favorite excursion was definitely the visit to the Hills of Tara! The legends surrounding the place were amazing, the views were unparalleled, and I got to offer a marshmallow to a fairy tree...
Stacy Gallegos
Healthcare Intern | DublinCalifornia State University Northridge
7 August 2017
My time in Ireland was an unforgettable adventure. I learned resourceful skills, made lifelong friendships, and gained a new perspective about the world. My internship experience has changed the way I view healthcare delivery and has given me a boost of confidence to address the issues I care about the most. In the process, I gained a brilliant mentor and realized that you can accomplish even the most intimidating goals...
Brooke Wendling
Healthcare Intern | DublinSUNY at Oneonta
24 July 2017
I couldn’t ask for a better internship here in Dublin. Everyone I have met, has been super friendly and welcoming. The Irish like to banter with and tease their co-workers, so if you intern/work here, don’t be nervous when they tease you, that means they like you. Also, I learned so much about how offices/organizations are managed. While here, I got to work with a small private charity organization to...
Anne Bryan
Healthcare Intern | DublinJames Madison University
29 June 2017
The time I spent in Ireland was such an amazing experience it's hard to put into words how easy it is to fall in love with the city, people and culture that surrounds you. While I was in Ireland I was able to work with and live by locals who welcomed me with open arms. The Connect-123 program found an internship that was tailored specifically for me and my career...
Tini Thomas
Healthcare Intern | DublinUniversity Gr. T. Popa Iasi, Nigeria
27 May 2017
I graduated from medical school and had some time before moving to the next level, so I decided instead of just sitting and waiting, why not do something useful? I knew I wanted to do an internship in Dublin Ireland so I started googling for agents who could help me find one. I saw a couple but it was just so much work, then I stumbled on Connect-123. They were pretty...
Kaitlin O'Brien
Child Life/Play Therapy Intern | DublinGeorge Mason University
20 March 2017
To say my choice to intern in Ireland with Connect-123 was the best decision of my entire life would be an understatement. I honestly owe so much to Connect-123 and I will never forget my experience in Dublin. Connect-123 set me up with not one but two internships working in two children's hospitals in Dublin. I learned so much about what I want to do with my life and where...
Alexandra Aldieri
Pharmacy Intern | DublinNortheastern University
21 February 2017
I always knew I wanted to intern abroad and Connect-123 helped find a great opportunity in Ireland. I worked for a college research department in Dublin, and everything about my experience was unforgettable. It’s difficult for an American student to find pharmacy research abroad, so I can’t thank Connect-123 enough for helping me find the perfect research position. The professor that I worked closely with was an incredibly kind and...
Ashley King
Healthcare Intern | DublinHawaii Pacific University
16 February 2017
I knew I needed medical research experience for the field I want to go into, but I also have quite the travel bug. I did a lot of research trying to find out who could give me exactly what I wanted. Honestly, most of my time was spent figuring out which company was the most credible. I stumbled upon Connect-123 and contacted them right away. After a few conversations, I...
Lynsey Schafer
Occupational Therapy Intern | DublinAssumption College
11 December 2016
This summer, I was blessed with the opportunity to be an intern in Ireland. Before this experience, I had never been outside of the United States so traveling internationally was a new experience for me. Connect-123 helped calm most of my nerves and hesitations about traveling independently, living in a new home for two months, and having an international internship. Throughout the process, Connect-123 was quick to answer all of...
Angie Shearon
Health Care Intern | DublinUniversity of Arizona
10 December 2016
Completing a Connect-123 internship was one of the best decisions I’ve made, not only for my career but for my growth as a person. It was my first time travelling away from home for such a long period, but they made everything go so smoothly that I had nothing to be nervous about. The internship was so perfect for me and was exactly what I was looking for! My supervisors...
Alexandria Plant
Cancer Research Intern | DublinBoston College
15 August 2016
Being part of Connect-123’s internship program was one of my best decisions I have ever made. I had always wanted to travel to Europe, so to be able to do so while pursuing my career path was an incredible opportunity for me. Soon enough, I found myself in Dublin taking in the Irish culture and taking full advantage of my journey. In Dublin, I got a fantastic internship at an...
Nicole Chandler
Occupational Therapy Intern | DublinColorado State University
5 August 2016
The summer of 2016 has been far from ordinary for me while in Dublin. I have been so fortunate to live in Dublin, have an amazing internship, explore Europe, and be exposed to new cultures. I have loved every second of it. I chose Dublin because it looked like a new and exciting country with beautiful views and hospital people and I didn’t have to learn a new language. I...
Fiona Chatterjee
Play Therapy Intern | DublinUniversity of California at Berkeley
7 July 2016
Choosing to intern in Dublin through Connect-123 was one of the best decisions I have made. I always knew I wanted to study and/or intern abroad, and luckily for me, Connect-123 made it incredibly easy to find an internship in my field of choice. As a first-year college student with no true medical experience, I thought finding an internship in the health field would be extremely difficult, but thanks to...
Sidra Shah
Health Care Intern | DublinUniversity of Texas at Dallas
5 August 2015
These past two months in Ireland have been absolutely amazing! From the remarkable internship placement at one of Ireland’s pediatric hospitals, to the program coordinators' helpful demeanor, the Connect-123 program and staff have been wonderful and friendly. I was a little hesitant coming to Dublin for the summer, and working at a hospital full time since I am still only a pre-med student. However, I got to work with my...
Aysha Iqbal
Health Care Intern | DublinUniversity of Texas at Dallas
28 July 2015
My internship experience with Connect-123 was amazing. Being able to work in a public hospital Dublin, Ireland allowed me to experience a new country as well as gain experience in my future career path. I was able to see and do things within the healthcare field that I would not been able to do back home. This internship allowed for me to grow both as a person and a future...
Brianna Mastromarino
Health Care Intern | DublinUniversity of Miami
21 January 2015
I first visited Dublin while traveling Europe during study abroad. After spending only a few days in the city, I knew I wanted to return for an extended stay. I was incredibly fortunate to find that Connect-123 would not only provide a means for my return to Dublin, but would also allow me to work at an internship pertinent to my field of study. I spent this past summer working...
Kate Flanagan
Medical Intern | DublinUT Dallas
4 August 2014
When I signed up for Connect-123's Dublin internship program I had never traveled abroad before, much less lived and worked abroad for 8 weeks. I had always wanted to visit Ireland and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so while getting some work experience at the same time. But I was worried--about navigating a foreign country, about not knowing any of the people traveling with me, and about...
Bridget Haley
Medical Research Intern | DublinUniversity of Illinois
25 November 2013
Living abroad in Dublin was an incredible, life-changing experience. I spent three months there, but it was so hard to leave at the end, that I wish I could have stayed longer. The whole experience was very smooth right from the beginning. Connect-123 found me the perfect internship, performing research on the childhood cancer neuroblastoma at the University College Dublin. I didn’t have a whole lot of research experience before...
Nichole Drolet
Health Care Intern | DublinRhode Island College
24 September 2013
The summer I spent in Dublin was literally the best summer of my life! Not only was it an amazing life experience to live in another country for 10 weeks, but the experience I got in my nursing internship at the pediatric hospital was beyond words. The internship wasn't at all what I thought or hoped, but it turned out to be a fantastic foundational learning experience. My goal going...
Megan Mooney
Healthcare Intern | DublinBowling Green State University
28 February 2013
Connect 123 is a fantastic opportunity to explore another country while also enabling you to make professional connections around the world. The experience that I have had with this company was unmatched. To any student wanting to go abroad and also gain career experience, I would highly recommend this company. My time in Dublin surpassed my expectations and given the opportunity I would do it all again.
Tamara Thevarajah
Healthcare Intern | DublinUniversity of Colorado at Denver
21 November 2012
Just two weeks before my departure, I accepted an internship position at a major hospital in Dublin, Ireland and as scary as the thought was, it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. After some phone conversations and long emails back and forth, Connect-123’s Melanie McDowell understood exactly what I was looking for and found me the position of my dreams! The hospital is the leading center for...
Laura Beth Lathrop
Healthcare Intern | DublinUniversity of Oregon, Graduate
8 November 2012
I would have never imagined that an internship could have provided me with the experience and exposure to the medical field that my Dublin internship did. During my time spent working in the hospital, I was involved in two main projects; processing of blood and tissue samples for the ovarian cancer bioresource centre and assessing the use of thrombo-elastography (TEG) for the detection of hypercoagulability in patients post gynaecological surgery....
Cassandra Wood
Health Care Intern | DublinIndiana University of Pennsylvania
5 November 2012
My summer internship in Dublin, Ireland was unforgettable! The hands on experience I encountered was more than anything I could have hoped for in an undergraduate dietetic internship. While serving as a Student Dietitian Intern at a rehabilitation hospital, I worked alongside the Clinical Nutrition Manager as well as many other friendly and fun health care professionals. I was thrilled to be able to apply so much of what I...
Kayleen Meyer
Occupational Therapy Intern | DublinUniversity of Wisconsin at Madison
18 October 2012
I had the opportunity to work with Occupational Therapists in a hospital setting, building up a variety of skills. This internship taught me how to work in a fast-pace environment where everyone gets to know each other very quickly. I learned a lot about how OT is done for patient's with hip and knee surgeries and how to apply it to each patient. An important skill I learned was how...
Zach Bennett
Public Health Intern | DublinUniversity of Wisconsin at Madison
15 September 2012
Connect-123 made my two-month experience in Dublin very easy. They found me an internship that fit both my schedule and needs. The internship at a public health research centre is already helping me in my career. Connect-123 also found me affordable housing very close to my work and checked in often to see how things were going from both a tourist and intern perspective. I have heard that traveling abroad...
Brittany Foerg
Health Care Intern | DublinButler University
3 September 2012
The two months I spent in Dublin completing a research internship were nothing short of exciting, eventful, and inspiring. I gained an extraordinary amount of knowledge and experience relevant to my future career as an optometrist, and I absolutely loved all that there was to do and see in and around Dublin. I really enjoyed getting to know the people while I was there, and many of the relationships I...
Jillian Yeo
National University of Singapore | DublinHealth Care Intern
15 August 2012
I recently went through Connect-123 to secure an internship opportunity with a well known university in Dublin. It was an excellent opportunity to gain further insight into the pharmaceutical research sector. Not only was Connect-123 great at finding an internship suited to my needs, they were continuously checking on my progress and how I was adapting to the new surroundings. Personally, I felt that it was thoughtful. An overseas internship...