Engineering Internships in Buenos Aires
Engineering is in high demand in Argentina. Many engineering firms in the country are focused on infrastructure development, industrial engineering, and manufacturing, including 3D printer technology development. Engineering interns in Buenos Aires have opportunities to gain experience in a variety of subfields including software engineering, electronic engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, biotechnology engineering, and agronomic engineering.
Check out other engineering internships in Barcelona, Cape Town, Shanghai and Dublin.
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Read Buenos Aires Engineering Internship Reviews | View all reviews
Ben Ditlevson
My mechanical engineering internship in Buenos Aires, Argentina was one of the best experiences I've ever had. I met friends, mostly through the Connect-123 events, who I will remember for the rest of my life. I made some treasured memories too.
Amaruc Gessen
My engineering and industrial design internship was incredible. After the first few weeks, I was actively participating in design and development projects. This really helped me develop my skills as an engineer and learn how to design and manufacture working prototypes to be implemented in the final product.
Audrey Gozali
Connect-123 gave me all the support I needed to thrive in this vibrant city. From setting me up at a home away from home to helping me navigate the busy streets, Connect-123 gave me the foundation for the incredible life I cultivated in Argentina for two months.
Jose Veintimilla
My experience in Buenos Aires was both amazing and unforgettable. My only regret was not staying longer! Buenos Aires is a vibrant city with so much to do and it was great having Connect-123 help me enjoy the city with all it has to offer. When I tol...
Laurence Clarysse
I have been in Buenos Aires, Argentina for 5 months and as my supervisor would say: ‘It was a once in a lifetime experience!’ I studied Industrial Engineering and am interested in the 3D printing technology. When I applied with Connect-123, I ...