Laura Davids
Medical and Health Care Internship | Buenos AiresMy internship in Buenos Aires is something that I will always remember fondly. The city is vibrant and I had a never-ending list of things that I wanted to do! From Plaza de Mayo to intimate tango shows in San Telmo, there was never a dull moment. The people were kind and the city was unlike any place I have ever lived. Traveling around Argentina was also an incredible experience! My internship welcomed me with open arms, and I learned a great deal that I feel will be helpful to me in my future career. I am leaving Argentina with new passions and goals for my future, based on experiences I have had here. I initially had difficulty understanding the Argentine accent, but picked it up after a few weeks! Being immersed in the language helped my Spanish improve exponentially. The coordinators at Connect-123 were also very helpful, and answered every question I ever had. Having the support system of Connect-123 helped me make the most of my time in Buenos Aires!
More Reviews for Medical and Health Care Internships in Buenos Aires
Kaylee S
Healthcare Intern | Buenos AiresMedical University of South Carolina
1 November 2022
During my internship in Buenos Aires, I got the opportunity to work with medical staff at a local hospital. I was able to analyze patient medication regimens and research cancer chemotherapy drugs. Shadowing physicians and attending rounds gave me the perfect opportunity to enhance my medical Spanish terminology while strengthening my desire to work in patient care. I am super grateful for this opportunity because I got to meet incredible...
Camille Prairie
Medical Intern | Buenos AiresDrexel University
12 August 2019
My six months as an intern with Connect-123 was an incredible learning experience. I met so many wonderful people at my internship, in Buenos Aires and around Argentina. I have returned to the US with skills I can carry with me for the rest of my life, as well as long-lasting friendships and amazing memories. My time at my internship as well as in Buenos Aires was eye-opening, fun, and...
Spencer Goodman
Health Care internship | Buenos AiresBall State University
26 April 2018
If I think back over the course of my short life, I can think of a few moments in which I was heavily challenged, grew, and came out of the situation a more mature individual. My time in Buenos Aires was certainly one of those: I experienced what it’s like to live in a big city, how to work around gaps in my knowledge of Spanish, and overall how to...
Rebecca Pedras
Health Care internship | NoneUniversity of San Francisco
28 February 2018
Connect-123 gave me a unique opportunity to grow personally as well as professionally. My internship abroad in Buenos Aires gave me insight into how rehabilitation is approached across borders; and that similarities can be found half a world away. Developing my Spanish has added that extra layer of meaning for me because I was able to learn and share with more people throughout this process. Connections made, time well spent...
Ioana Moldovan
Healthcare Intern | Buenos AiresBoston University
7 September 2017
Having had the experience of studying abroad for four months in Spain, my unease for an adventure in Buenos Aires did not come from lacking language skills. Instead, I feared feeling lonely and out of place, both in the city and in the public hospital where I completed my internship. Truth be told, I did struggle at the beginning because the weather conditions were not short of depressing, which made...
Madeline Egan
Healthcare Intern | Buenos AiresCarleton College
22 August 2017
Connect-123 made my dream internship of observing doctors at both general and pediatric hospitals abroad possible. At first I was a bit nervous to be jumping between the two hospitals because I was not confident in my Spanish speaking abilities and was worried I wouldn’t be able to establish connections. However, this fear quickly faded as I was warmly welcomed into both hospitals. I was pleasantly surprised by how flexible...
Seth Greengo
Healthcare Intern | Buenos AiresCarleton College
10 August 2017
When I first arrived in Buenos Aires, it was a dark and cold morning. My flight from the United States had been delayed so much that my arrival was pushed back a full day. I thought this incident would set the tone for my trip; I couldn’t have been more wrong. Both the literal and figurative clouds passed and I found myself falling for Buenos Aires and Argentina as a...
Mary Abella
Physical Therapy Intern | Buenos AiresUniversity of Texas at Dallas
25 July 2017
Studying abroad has always been something I've wanted to do, but as a pre-health major, it can be hard fitting it into my schedule and degree plan. When I came across Connect-123, I was intrigued. It was the perfect opportunity to travel abroad while interning in a field that actually pertained to my future career. Armed with minimal Spanish abilities, I made my way to Buenos Aires. Connect-123 helped me...
Sarah Cabala
Occupational Therapy Intern | Buenos AiresMichigan State University
18 July 2017
Starting my internship in Buenos Aires, I was nervous and anxious but most of all I was excited. I didn’t quite know what to expect and it was thrilling for me. I knew I made the right decision - Argentina, the culture, the people – everything is amazing. My host family welcomed me with open arms, as did the Spanish school and my colleagues at work. I think the “worst”...
Diya Khullar
Health Care Intern | Buenos AiresNortheastern University
8 May 2017
My fear was that Connect Buenos Aires might be underwhelming after my Connect Cape Town quickly diminished! As usual, the other program participants, my supervisor, and hospital staff were as welcoming as possible. My internship at the hospital in Buenos Aires allowed me to explore every department I desired, from traumatology to dermatology to urology to emergency medicine. Furthermore, the proximity of the operating rooms made viewing surgeries of all different...
Chris Lawson
Health Care Intern | Buenos AiresNortheastern University
18 April 2017
I am a pre-med student at Northeastern University who traveled to Buenos Aires and worked at a hospital for three months. My time in Buenos Aires was amazing. I got to see and do so much at the hospital. All of the doctors were extremely friendly and taught me a ton. Argentina in general was great. I got to travel to many other great places. Overall, I had a great...
Alessia Gisi
Health Care Intern | Buenos AiresUniversity of Basel, Switzerland
12 April 2017
During the last six months I had the huge pleasure of living and interning in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Connect-123 gave me the opportunity to do a pre-med internship in a public hospital. I will never forget this unique experience. Every day on my way to the hospital I felt so excited because I knew that I would learn something new and see incredible things that I would never have the...
Yaritza Burgos
Physical Therapy Intern | Buenos AiresMercy College
10 April 2017
Interning abroad has always been one of the many things I wanted to do ever since my last year in college. I came across Connect-123’s program through my school and after months of communication with the coordinator and doing research about Buenos Aires, Argentina, I was sold! My stay in Argentina was short only two months, but in those two months I was able to learn about Argentina’s culture, make lifelong...
Xizi Yu
Healthcare Intern | Buenos AiresShanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
6 March 2017
Thanks to connect, I had the opportunity to spend my 50 day winter break working and living in a city I’ve always wanted to get to know. I know it’s a short time, but I was able to reach a deeper understanding of the culture, the country, and its people, also to have a fresh start of my Spanish learning. I worked as a medical intern in a hospital in Buenos...
Sarah Banks
Physical Therapy Intern | Buenos AiresUniversity of Colorado at Boulder
25 January 2017
Connect-123 was one of my favorite experiences in my life. When I was first inquiring about the program, I was skeptical because of all the high reviews and the fact that there was not one low review. But this program is real and it is what it appears to be. After I graduated college I wanted to get some real world experience in a physical therapy setting where I was able...
Hubert Smith
Health Care Intern | Buenos AiresClemson University
6 September 2016
Last spring, I spent three months living in Buenos Aires, Argentina and interning at a local hospital through the program, Connect-123. Luckily, I had already been accepted to medical school so after I graduated from college, I decided to take a gap year to travel and work in international medical settings. During my time in Buenos Aires, I completed a twelve-week internship with the department of oncology. Although I was...
Darlene Washington
Health Care Intern | Buenos AiresMichigan State University
19 August 2016
Connect-123 created an amazing opportunity for me. I had the opportunity to spend 3 months in Buenos Aires doing things that I love. I did an internship at a public hospital, shadowing doctors. I had the opportunity to work in pediatrics, neonatology, and obstetrics. I was able to sit in on surgeries and get hands on experience with certain patients. Connect-123 provided me with the opportunity to experience what my...
Olivia Rogers
Health Care Intern | Buenos AiresDrake University
15 August 2016
In five weeks Buenos Aires became the place in my dreams to the place of my dreams. Almost everyone asked me when I was here why I chose Buenos Aires, why I chose Argentina and I can't describe it, it just had this draw that made me want to go there so badly. Connect-123 allowed me to leave my bubble of Boulder, Colorado and experience one of the most stunning...
Jessica Christopherson
Health Care Intern | Buenos AiresArizona State University
31 May 2016
I spent four incredible months in Buenos Aires as an intern with Connect-123. During this time I had the opportunity to study Spanish, intern at a public hospital in Buenos Aires, and of course, travel to different regions of Argentina. What stood out the most for me were the people I met and the experiences I had while working as an intern at the hospital. I have worked as a...
Tasha Heller
Health Care Intern | Buenos AiresRhodes College
24 February 2016
By the time my two months is Argentina came to an end I did not want to leave, and ever since I left Buenos Aires I’ve been aching to return. Connect-123 helped provide me with one of the most incredible, life-changing opportunities that I could have ever imagined. At the beginning I was a bit overwhelmed. Buenos Aires is a large, bustling city that is full of passion and tons...
Kin yi (Celine) Tsui
Health care Intern | Buenos AiresNortheastern University
5 January 2016
Before going to Buenos Aires, I had two main goals: to do well at my placement and improve my Spanish. After 3.5 months in Buenos Aires, I was able to accomplish those two goals and a whole lot more. My placement in a rehabilitation clinic allowed me to work along with occupational therapists and physical therapists. While being fairly proficient in Spanish, Argentina's Castellano surely challenged me throughout my time...
Emily Kim
Health Care Intern | Buenos AiresNortheastern University
24 March 2015
My time in Buenos Aires was nothing but amazing. I always knew that I wanted to go to medical school, but was never sure which field of medicine I wanted to pursue. Connect-123 catered to my need by finding me an internship that allowed me to shadow doctors from all departments of the hospital. All of the doctors encouraged me to ask questions, pushed me to practice more Spanish, and...
Jenifer Obrigewitch
Health Care Intern | Buenos AiresNortheastern University
23 March 2015
I chose to intern in Buenos Aires knowing not much more than that I wanted to improve my Spanish skills while gaining medical experience. I didn’t realize until I got to Argentina that I was in for so much more than that! The city is full of beautiful parks, art, architecture, and food. The friendly porteños are always excited to share their culture and tell you about the most up-and-coming...
Chelsea Casey
Health Care Intern | Buenos AiresCalifornia State University Graduate
30 December 2014
Don't speak Spanish? Is it holding you back from coming to South America? Do you feel like you will not be able to have the same experience with little to no Spanish? Have no fear, I am proof that you will indeed reach the highest level of happiness and satisfaction interning in this beautiful country. Let me first say that when I was thinking about interning abroad I was fearful...
Cindy Tran
Health Care Intern | Buenos AiresWestern University, Canada
24 December 2014
Connect-123 helped me find an opportunity to work in a public hospital working with children. I have never travelled by myself before let alone live in a foreign city for two months! However, the people at Connect-123 were so caring, kind and helpful. They would make sure everything is all set before your arrival, helping you feel comfortable when you arrive and they would also meet up with you during...
Christina Koehler
Nursing Intern | Buenos AiresUniversity of North Carolina at Charlotte
23 September 2014
Draining spider bites and tango dancing—not two things that I would usually associate together. That is, not until I completed an internship through Connect-123 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I interned in a hospital for two months, and it was hands down one of the most worthwhile, exciting, and informative times of my life. My internship was not only suited to my academic interests in nursing and Spanish, but also to...
Ashley Roig
Nursing Intern | Buenos AiresNortheastern University
30 July 2014
Before my arrival to Buenos Aires, I was extremely nervous (anyone would be!). I spoke little Spanish and knew no one in Argentina. Upon meeting my Connect-123 advisor, all those nervous feelings melted away! She made me feel completely comfortable and told me to embrace the city. I am a fourth year nursing major in Boston so I wanted a volunteer experience that would place me back into healthcare, and...
Roberto Espana
Health Care Intern | internships in buenos airesNortheastern University
1 April 2014
Where do I even begin? Connect-123 truly gave me the opportunity of a lifetime. I was down in Buenos Aires, Argentina, for three months working in the mental health unit of a local hospital. To be honest, it was not love at first sight – I really had to let the hospital, the patients, and the culture, all grow on me. My time in Buenos Aires gave me a clearer...
Juliana Torrens
Health Care Intern | Buenos AiresUniversity of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
26 December 2013
After I graduated from college I decided to take a year to acquire more experience on the medical field before applying to medical school. Doing an internship with Connect-123 was an amazing opportunity for my personal and professional growth. I had the opportunity to work in a public hospital with a group of Oncologists in Buenos Aires, Argentina. During my time there, I was under the wing of a great...
Jessica DeFinis
Nursing Intern | Buenos AiresNortheastern University
1 August 2013
Ever since I started learning Spanish I wanted to travel and work in a Spanish speaking country. Connect-123 allowed me to realize one of my life long dreams. I spent two months working as a nurse in a public hospital in Buenos Aires. The welcoming and inclusive atmosphere was beyond anything I expected. My co-workers and nurse manager immediately welcomed me to the floor and gave me as much responsibility...
Payal Antala
Physical Therapy Intern | Buenos AiresNortheastern University
2 July 2013
I was able to spend the past 3 months in Buenos Aires doing an internship for school credit. I came to Argentina to practice Spanish and do a physical therapy internship, but I left with an experience of a lifetime. I worked at a day care/clinic that worked with kids that had different neurological disorders. The people I had the pleasure of working with were incredibly helpful and patient and...
Sara Khodair
Medical Volunteer | Buenos AiresCairo University
29 March 2011
I spent a little over a month in Buenos Aires. By far that has been one of the best experiences yet. The city is absolutely beautiful. The people were amazing. There was always something to do. I thought the volunteer program was lots of fun. I'm very grateful for Connect-123. Best summer ever.
Jackie Laplant
Medical Volunteer | Buenos AiresTulane University, Graduate
23 November 2010
Volunteering in Buenos Aires through Connect-123 not only provided me with one of the best experiences of my life but also confirmed my passion for medicine. My internship was with a non profit HIV/AIDS foundation where I was given the opportunity to volunteer in the Infectious Diseases Department of the hospital, as well as a Children’s Home. I primarily assisted with organizing medical histories, distribution of HIV/AIDS supplies and any...
Magdalena Niestrata
University of St. AndrewsHealth Care Intern | Buenos AiresUniversity of St. Andrews
31 August 2010
The internship in Buenos Aires was one of the best experiences I’ve had. It allowed me to combine excellent work experience in a public hospital with exploring the city and nightlife porteño style. Everyone I met was very friendly and helpful and made me feel at home in Buenos Aires very quickly. Connect-123 organized a bunch of great social events with Argentine spirit and although it was winter there when...